2007年10月8日 星期一

Enter if you dare!!

Pumpkin Carving Made Easy

Do you want to carve your own pumpkin without messing up the kitchen? Check the website http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/halloween/index.html and have fun creating your own jack-o-lantern.

Halloween Vocabulary

Do you want to learn more words about Halloween? Give it a Try at the website http://www.englishpage.com/holidays/halloween2fr.html Happy Halloween!

Spooky Jack O'Lantern

Why does the Jack O'Lantern represent Halloween? Why not Michael O'Lantern or Nick O'Lantern? Find out the answer at the website http://www.coolquiz.com/trivia/explain/docs/jack.asp

2 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Well,I want to ask you some questions about learning English.
I always think that English is the
only subject I'm good at ,so I do my best in English all the time.
But you know that the things won't always be good.
Recently,I think I lose my passion and that's what I want to ask.
How to keep my passion going on in English?
And how can I do it well in English?Just read hard,speak more,listen more and write more often?
I always forget the words.
Do you have some good advice?
Thank you for your responses but sorry if I disturb you.

Karry 提到...

Forgetting words is a normal process of language learning. Don't be so frustrated...You could try to learn words from the articles in the newspaper or magazines, from listening to ICRT or from movies that you like. Besides, you can use word family or word prefix, suffix and stem to
intensify your memory. I believe you will find your passion for English back as long as you keep gong on...